To hold your child's spot, please complete the attached forms and bring into the center along with a $50 registration fee and the first week's tuition. Weekly tuition rates and registration paperwork can be found on the Parent Information page of this website.
Summer Camp 2025 Letter (pdf)
DownloadTo hold your child's spot, please complete the attached forms and bring into the center along with a $100 registration fee and the first week's tuition. Weekly tuition rates and registration paperworkcan be found on the Parent Information page of this website.
DownloadImagination Childcare Academy, Inc., located on the west side of Rochester, NY, is a full day inclusive program for children, ages three through twelve years, that is committed towards providing top rated child care services coupled with a high quality activity based learning curriculum. The teachers at Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc. both respect and understand the uniqueness of each and every child and differentiate instruction to meet those individual needs. Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc. is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all children. Parents will feel comforted knowing that their child is spending his/her day in a place where he/she is encouraged to grow and learn at his/her own pace.
We believe that all children can learn; it is our job to create a setting where children’s natural Approaches to Learning (Curiosity, Initiative, Engagement, and Creativity) are encouraged and built upon. We believe that children learn best by doing. A facilitated, activity based setting provides children with opportunities to learn about their world through hands on experiences. Activities at Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc.encourage exploration and development of children’s innate curiosity.
We consider Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc.a small community; a safe place where children, staff, and families work together as partners; a place where everyone feels a sense of belonging; a place where everyone is respected and celebrated for their diversity as well as their common bonds.
Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc. uses a spiraling curriculum, in which children are exposed to all academic concepts each year, with every year building on the prior year and becoming more complex. By Kindergarten, children have a solid grasp of the concepts they need to be successful learners in the classroom. All activities are differentiated to meet every child's individual needs.
At Imagination Childcare Academy, Inc., we believe that every child is unique and has their own way of learning. That's why we incorporate a variety of teaching methods to cater to each child's individual needs.
Our Mission
To ensure every child thrives!
Our Core Values
Our teachers are highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your child. They are passionate about early childhood education and are committed to helping your child reach their full potential.
If you're interested in working in a supportive, family-like environment, start by applying here and attaching your resume. Go to our employment page to read testimonials from some of our current employees.
Since 2014, we have worked as collaborative partners with Gates-Chili School District to offer three of their Universal Prekindergarten Classrooms.
We accomplish this in a caring, active, play-based learning environment that is rich with adult-child interactions. Our daily instruction provides natural opportunities for children to learn readiness skills, exercise their curiosity and imaginations, and strengthen their ability to work well with others.
Since 2017, we have been participating in New York State's pilot program for Pyramid Model Implementation. All of our staff have been trained and receive weekly coaching on using these best practice strategies. The Pyramid Model was developed to define the evidence-based practices and approaches that can be used within a program to promote young children’s social emotional competence and address challenging behavior. The Pyramid Model practices are based on research on effective instruction for young children (Burchinal, Vandergrift, Pianta, & Mashburn, 2010; National Research Council, 2001), strategies to promote engagement and appropriate behavior (Chien et al., 2010; Conroy, Brown, & Olive 2008), promotion of children’s social skills and emotional competencies (Domitrovich et al., 2012; Vaughn et al., 2003), and implementation of assessment-based behavior support plans for children with the most severe behavior challenges (Blair, Fox, & Lentini, 2010; Conroy, Dunlap, Clarke, & Alter, 2005; McLaren & Nelson, 2009).
Since 2017, we have participated in the New York State Quality Stars program. QUALITYstarsNY is New York’s voluntary quality rating and improvement system for regulated early childhood programs serving children birth to age five in centers, family child care homes, and primary schools with Pre-K. To help ensure success, QUALITYstarsNY provides coaching, technical assistance and financial support to improve program leadership, administration and teaching staff as well as the program and classroom environment.
Participate in advocacy opportunities to fight for higher wages for staff and state funding for high quality early childhood educational programs.
Have been an active members of the Council of Childcare Administrators since 2013, working together with other directors in the community to offer the highest quality early childhood education programs.
Recognized in 2017 by DePaul Work Guide for our commitment towards offering opportunities for all people. We have partnered with DePaul since 2014 to offer work opportunities for their clients to provide them an opportunity to explore the early childhood field.
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming registration dates, fundraisers, and special events.
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed